Selasa, 29 September 2009

outshine distro corner, KOPMA UGM

 it's a bamboo concept, vernacular way to understand the strenght, the tension, and the flexibility.

Interior Design of UPT Maguwoharjo Stadium

Conference table for Maguwoharjo Stadium

The Bench for Maguwoharjo Stadion


I never thought that i'd design a bench for PSS Sleman Player. This Bench just like a pedicab- "Becak"-. The circle, the seats, the roof, all images just to appreciates a local tradition and to make difference. After it's realized , Radar Jogja sayd, " most beautiful Soccer bench in Indonesia". Bravo PSS Sleman! Barvo Slemania!

Sabtu, 26 September 2009

bamboo corner for KOPMA UGM

This small corner designed for Outshine Distro

Kamis, 06 Agustus 2009

DR. YAP Foundation office and massage center

This is a 400m2 design and build project. We asked to renovated the old restricted building with conservative consideration. The Addition is to accomodate library, 2 vip massage room, 1 standard massage room, meeting room, pantry, etc. This Addition had to connected with the Hosputal, so the hospital patients can visit the massage center, and the hospital staff can visit the meeting room

I design the building with thick wall, green finished, with a wall stone plint. We create a lot of window to make a good ventilation, and old image. The wood almost totally use the old wood, trash from the hospital. My design consideration is to make a new building with old and new taste, minimize the energy use with natural light, from the window and skylight.

M. Zacky Arda's House

A years a go, My friends asked me to design a small house at the small site. He wanted a vernacular one.

This design represents a simple way of life, a young family, and for the future it can expand.

Mr. Masykuri's Store

The Project located at Kota Gede, I designed 2 storey building. The first floor for boutiqe and the second floor for housing. The design was inspired by the gate of Kotagede Mosque. I put the bold image and brick finished into my design.

Rabu, 05 Agustus 2009

JPO Pedestrian bridge

This JPO Pedestrian Brdige lay above the RING-ROAD Arteri Way. Connecting the UPN Campus Pedestrian and AMIKOM Campus. This Pedestrian has to accomodate a lot of space advertising which founding this bridge.

This Bridge expressed the bamboo bridge, the tradition of "gotong-royong", with new material-steel,new understanding of construction, the transition of the city.

Prawatya Wardyatmoko-Widyastuti Rahayu's House

This house designed for my aunt's family, it takes a year for designing this house. With a large site, 1200 m2, we design only +/- 170 m2. A medium house.
The program was to make a large open space inside the building, a continous space from the living room, family room, pantry, dinning room, to the inner garden. The garage has two door so the car can move to the backyard.
I choose the bold expression,i was inspired by Wright's houses,just a little touch for this vernacular house. I want express the deep,shape, light and shadow.
It take six month for construction. To long, i think.

Wall's Corner for KOPMA UGM

KOPMA UGM had ask me to designed a small corner from their store for selling Wall's Ice cream. They wanted a building which expressed the brand so they can sell a lot of space for advertising.So I decided to make a unique design at the strip of UGM-JAKAL

The function was just simple, 4x6, flexible. One side for the pantry, and the other side for the lounge. Additing to the old building, was my concern. The old building was restricted by UGM Authorities, but had a bad condition, the colour was green, doesn't match with the product. For future there are a lot of change to develop this old building. Then i make a red corner with a ship-like roof, full glass window which show off the content, woodplank finished the outdoor ceiling. I combined wood expression for the outdoor ceiling, and indoor floor, white and red colour, wall's branding for wall finished, and glass. I think it's fun,

Selasa, 04 Agustus 2009

Gadjah Mada University Club Hotel

Desain Gadjah Mada University Club Hotel merupakan wahana eksperimen saya, tantangan dan beban untuk mendesain di wajah Kampus UGM tercinta. Tugas Arsitek adalah mendesain bangunan tambahan di samping bangunan lama. Bangunan ini akan menampung sekitar 35 kamar baru, Lobby hotel, sekaligus memberikan citra baru bagi hotel dan kawasan boulevard UGM.

Konsep tata fungsinya adalah seefektif dan efisien mungkin memanfaatkan lahan sempit, semudah mungkin dalam wayfinding pengunjung hotel,dan sejelas mungkin membuat konfigurasi hotel

Konsep Massa bangunan adalah berkomposisi dengan bangunan hotel yang lama sehingga terkoneksi secara massa dan fungsi. Memberikan komposisi entrance yang kuat dengan fasad yang unik tetapi tetap kontekstual adalah penekanan utama.

Design Generator adalah transformasi candi-candi di Jogja dan rumah-rumah di kota gede yang disertai permainan cahaya dan kaca, gelap terang, solid-masiv dan void. Bidang lebar menggunakan material beton sisir yang gelap dipadukan fasad woodplank berkesan kayu dengan konsol-konsol baja.

Alhamdulillah Konstruksi selesai Juli 2009

Plaza Quantum FT UI design competition entry

Plaza Quantum UI kita desain cukup sederhana, saking sederhananya kita hanya mampu meraih juara 3, tim kita: Gatot Suprihadi, Dita Trisnawan, dan Saya.

Konsepnya secara fungsi merupakan Bangunan Exhibition, terdiri dari 4 lantai sehingga kita buat bangunan se fleksibel mungkin. katanya pak Imam Djokomono, kotak memiliki peluang untuk berkembang, berubah, dan fleksibel.

Konsep pendekatan artistik pake teori Quantum, yang menyatakan bahwa satu partikel terdiri dari 2 gelombang yang berada pada 2 posisi yang bergantian, yang teori ini berkembang menjadi teori Superposisi, yaitu suatu partikel berada pada 2 posisi yang berlawanan pada satu waktu. akhirnya kita pakai cermin sebagai grand design generator untuk menciptakan superposisi tersebut. Teori ini dipilih sebagai pendekatan kepada label bangunan quantum. Namun pada dasarnya pendekatan Quantum bisa digunakan sebagai pendekatan artistik yang cukup up to date untuk gaya arsitektur masa kini.

Bangunan berusaha merefleksikan bangunan eksisting dengan penempatan mirror curtain yang cukup besar sehingga image plaza merupakan image bangunan Jurusan Elektro- "sebuah penerjemahan teori quantum". Kontekstualitas dijaga dengan menghadirkan bangunan yang tipis, dengan atap miring, dan penggunaaan material kaca dan bata. Bangunan juga berusaha berkomposisi dengan massa eksisting dengan menciptakan plaza terbuka di tengah-tengahnya.

kelemahan desain ini adalah : gajah di pelupuk mata tak tampak! bangunan ini dibangun antara 2 gedung, tapi hanya satu gedung yang kita respon.